Leah is fabulous bunny rescued from the Humane Society.
She is about 3 years old and enjoys a light rub on the head.
Her favorite foods are: Kale, Hay, and Carrots.
She also likes to snack on Oats, (see my video below)
 Cheerios, Bananas, and Pinapple (But not too much).
Here she is in her deluxe rabbit habitat. (We don't call them coops anymore).
Hi, I'm Leah. Please don't tell Tom, but he couldn't do a Magic Show without me.
Please note: I will attend most shows with Tom. Occasionally, weather and driving distance prevent me from coming to your event.
{Copyright (C) 2012 The Cuckoo's Nest Magic Shop for Magician Tom Jay
You know my facial growth is much better looking than Toms!
Leah and friends
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Free Magic Tricks
Magician Tom Jay - Quality Magical Entertainment
(412) 855-4977
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